tomcat users roles

What is a Realm? A Realm is a "database" of usernames and passwords that identify valid users of a web application (or set of web applications), plus an enumeration of the list of roles associated with each valid user. You can think of roles as

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  • tomcat 連接埠預設為8080, 可以通過修改下面port項改為80連接埠,但不建議你這樣使用80連接埠,tomcat 會繼承root權限,這是非常危險的做法。 <Con...
    4.2. 配置 Tomcat 伺服器 - Netkiller ebook - Linux ebook
  • What is a Realm? A Realm is a "database" of usernames and passwords that identif...
    Apache Tomcat 6.0 (6.0.53) - Realm Configuration HOW-TO
  • Further, there is no username in the default users file ($CATALINA_BASE/conf/tomcat-users....
    Apache Tomcat 7 (7.0.82) - Manager App HOW-TO
  • Chapter 5. Administering Tomcat There are three administration tools bundled with Tomcat 5...
    Chapter 5. Administering Tomcat - Linux StepByStep
  • In the Tomcat 7 tomcat-users.xml file, what purpose is served by the <role /> tags? ...
    configuration - Purpose of roles tags in tomcat-users.xml? - ...
  • 2013年2月19日 - The use of the <role .../> element in tomcat-users.xml is optional. To...
    configuration - Purpose of roles tags in tomcat-users.xml? - Stack ...
  • You need to define the appropriate roles (see the documentation for the full list), and ad...
    how to add multiple roles to an admin user in Apache tomcat 8? - Unix ...
  • 2013年7月2日 - The admin and manager roles no longer exist in Tomcat 7 and have been replace...
    Is there a comprehensive list of tomcat roles? - Stack Overflow
  • 2009年8月24日 - I case of tomcat 7 the role has changed from manager to manager-gui so set i...
    java - How do I set Tomcat Manager Application User Name and ...
  • 2014年12月24日 - 一、進入Tomcat 8目錄的conf資料夾裡圖1 找tomcat-users.xml ... <user username="bot...
    Java程式教學甘仔店: Apache Tomcat 8 使用者設定
  • 2013年4月4日 - Probably late to answer but anyways You are missing role in in you web.xml an...
    login - How to configure tomcat-users.xml to secure a page in tomcat ...
  • Each user name is assigned various roles. To edit the tomcat-users.xml file: Click Tools -...
    Modifying tomcat-users.xml for NetBeans
  • manager-status provides the users assigned to that role with access to the statistics that...
    The New Manager Roles in Tomcat 7 are Wonderful - Blogging ...
  • 2015年2月23日 - NOTE: For a newly installed Tomcat 7 web server, the role and user entries w...
    Tomcat tomcat-users.xml configuration example | Examples Java ...
  • 1:打开tomcat6下的~/conf/tomcat-users.xml文件,关于用户角色、管理员的信息都在这个配置文件中。 1:打开tomcat7下的~/conf/tomcat-...
    tomcat-users.xml 配置 - 水之原 - 博客园
  • I am trying to log in tomcat manager app but i cannot successfully create a login user in ...
    tomcat7 - Tomcat 7 Manager - how to authenticate? - Stack ...
  • 2013年2月23日 - It seems this is the correct configuration. Care not to separate roles with ...
    tomcat7 - Tomcat 7 Manager - how to authenticate? - Stack Overflow
  • Tomcat users are defined in the file – $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml, by default, the...
    What is Tomcat default administrator password ?
  • 因為tomcat預設沒有圖形管理介面的使用者帳號及名稱. 所以必須修改tomcat-user.xml,加入使用者帳號其名稱才能使用. 修改內容如下. <tomcat-user...
    修改tomcat 7的管理者帳號及密碼 - Cedric's 學習備忘錄 - 痞客邦PIXNET